

  1. Polarity is all you need to learn and transfer faster
    Qingyang Wang, Michael A. Powell, Ali Geisa, Eric W. Bridgeford, and Joshua T. Vogelstein
    In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023
  2. Why do networks have inhibitory/negative connections?
    Qingyang Wang, Mike A. Powell, Ali Geisa, Eric Bridgeford, Carey E. Priebe, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct 2023
  3. Representation Ensembling for Synergistic Lifelong Learning with Quasilinear Complexity
    Joshua T. Vogelstein, Jayanta Dey, Hayden S. Helm, Will LeVine, Ronak D. Mehta, and 11 more authors
    Submitted, Oct 2023


  1. Early Emergence of Solid Shape Coding in Natural and Deep Network Vision
    Ramanujan Srinath, Alexandriya Emonds, Qingyang Wang, Augusto A. Lempel, Erika Dunn-Weiss, and 2 more authors
    Current Biology, Oct 2021
  2. Myelin pathology in ataxia-telangiectasia is the cell-intrinsic consequence of ATM deficiency in the oligodendrocytes
    Kai-Hei Tse, Aifang Cheng, Sunny Hoi-Sang Yeung, Gerald Wai-Yeung Cheng, Qingyang Wang, and 5 more authors
    medRxiv (submited to GLIA), Oct 2021